Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

2010 is here and we are venturing into a new decade. I love newness and I love fresh starts. Any new year seems a bit magical to me because I always look at it as a way to change the things I did not like about the previous year. So when something doesn’t seem right, I make changes. I love to set goals because it means I get to make things better. I don’t always meet my goals but I love the way it feels to make them and the trying to get to the finish line is always a valuable learning lesson whether I succeed or not . For me its the reminder I need to prove I am in control and I can do anything I put my mind to.

So this year as I reflect back I know I want to read more, scrap more, start crafting, pass my classes, lose weight and get back into an exercise routine. I know, I know – too much right? Not for me and not this year because 2009 was my “slump” year. I really got off track in so many ways. I’m looking to 2010 to turn it around!

Did you know that most people forget about their resolutions by mid February? So, then, how does one make and keep goals?

I have found the SMART method helps alot!

Specific – Be specific. Don’t just say “I want to lose weight” Instead say “I want to lose 10 pounds”.

Measurable – You have to be able to measure it so you know your making progress. Progress is very motivational! Using the losing weight example measure it by saying “I will lose 1 pound a week”.

Attainable – your goal has to be attainable in order to be successful. If you want to lose weight, don’t shoot for an unattainable number like 5 pounds a week because that’s just not….

Realistic – 1 pound a week is much more realistic and therefore ATTAINABLE!

Timely – Having a goal of losing 10 pounds by losing 1 pound a week will take you 10 weeks. That’s timely, realistic, attainable, measurable and specific!

So, good luck as you set and meet your goals. I have written down all my goals and applied the SMART method to each of them. Each day I will look over my goals so they stay fresh!

I just can’t wait to see what 2010 will bring!!

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