Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gratitude List

What I am grateful for:

Happy and Healthy children – I adore my kids and there isn't a thing I wouldn’t do for them. They are my joy, they are my drive. I love love love my children.

Happy and Healthy Hubby ;) It isn’t always easy but well worth the effort! I love my hubby so much because he makes me laugh and adores me just for me. I love the freedom in being able to just be me when I am with him.

A job. I like my job and am grateful to have it. I am grateful that I provide for my family and am proud how hard I work everyday ~

Friends and family. I am grateful to be surrounded by friends and family that love me and that I love, too.

I have so much to be grateful for and thank God every single night for blessing me in so many ways.

~  Sometimes I have to pinch myself! ;)

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