Monday, August 17, 2009

Teen Years - Take 2

My oldest daughter turned 14 yesterday! And she begins high school on Wednesday. I know it is such a cliche to say that time flies - but truly it does!! My Lindy Lou was born with that red hair and she has the fiery personality to go with it. The older she gets the more and more proud I am of her. She's a great student, terrific big sister and lovely young lady. As we head into our second year of true teenage bliss I sit and wonder what the next acts will be. A script would be nice to follow but life is much more spontaneous than that :) I hope she stays with good friends that love her for her. I hope she remains true to herself and allows her true self to shine - always. She is beautiful inside and out and sometimes I just wonder why I was blessed with such an amazing daughter.
So my idea for her birthday scrap page is to find some sort of film strip over lay to put over some snap shots of her and the title be Teen Years - Take 2. I image black on white with scribbles all over of the things she likes right, friends, music etc. More to come on that.
If you were wondering - yes I did make her birthday card :)

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