Friday, August 19, 2011

More Autumn Fun

Autumn is my favorite season to scrap – probably cuz it’s the best season…ever! I love the colors, the holidays and the events that happen in the fall. As I work towards finishing up my 2010 pages I am really enjoying scrapping these pages. Tonight I worked on Halloween. The kids just love Halloween… with the costumes and candy, its definitely a kid favorite!

My Jack O’Lanterns page is my favorite of the evening. I handmade the title and had so much fun doing it. First, I cut the pumpkins with the Cricut using the “Stretch Your Imaginations” cartridge. Then using the watercolor brush and Seafoam stamp I colored the leaves and stem on the pumpkins. Once those dried I distressed the border of each pumpkin with black ink. Then using colors Pansy Purple and Orange I stamped the letters onto the pumpkins. So much fun and I love the way it turned out!!

Jack O Lanterns Page 1

Jack O Lanterns Page 2

My next layout was of Trick or Treat night and the neighborhood kids dressed up in their costumes! So Fun! This page was simply paper and stickers. I did stamp the year “2010” but other than that this was a quick and easy (and cute!!) page Smile

Halloween Page 1Halloween Page 2


I hope you enjoyed looking at my latest creations!


Miss Kelley

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